
SNPJ offers a variety of Society-sponsored athletic events, including golf, bowling, bean bag toss, and balina. All athletic activities are subsidized by SNPJ. Members can participate in national tournaments as well as numerous local tournaments arranged at various times
throughout the year.
SNPJ hosts the following athletic tournaments for Society members. Tournament entry forms are available online and are published in the PROSVETA publication.
SNPJ Winter Classic Tournament: mid-February
SNPJ National Bowling Tournament: mid-October
CAL Don Gorjup Open Tournament: Memorial Day weekend
SNPJ Western Pa./Lodge 138 Tournament: June
SNPJ National Golf Tournament: Labor Day weekend
(Guests welcome to participate in guest divisions in all golf tournaments)
SNPJ National Balina Tournament: Labor Day weekend
Bean Bag Toss
SNPJ National Bean Bag Toss Tournament: Labor Day weekend