Young Adult Conference

A weekend-long program for 18- to 30-year-old Society members to learn about SNPJ membership benefits and to voice their ideas, opinions, and concerns regarding the Slovene National Benefit Society.
Young adult delegates are elected by their Lodges; those interested in attending the Young Adult Conference should contact their Lodge Secretary or the Home Office. The Society pays for transportation, lodging and meals throughout the weekend.
The Young Adult Conference format has been designed to give delegates a true taste of the Slovene National Benefit Society, the SNPJ Recreation Center, and the rewarding benefits of SNPJ membership available. Each year, SNPJ Young Adult delegates participate in a work weekend that has benefited the SNPJ Recreation Center over the course of the past two decades. The delegates also hold a short annual conference, selecting conference officers for the following year and electing a Young Adult Representative to the SNPJ National Board (board of directors).
The 2025 SNPJ Young Adult Conference is scheduled June 13-15 at the SNPJ Recreation Center. If you are interested in taking part in the Young Adult Conference, please contact SNPJ Fraternal Director Courtney Koenig at 1-800-843-7675 or e-mail .